Minutes March 2017


Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday March 13th in the Village Hall at 7pm

  1. PRESENT :

Chairman B Annis Councillor W Clive

Councillor J King Councillor R Segar

Councillor R Kelly County Councillor L Eyre

Clerk L Yapp 8 members of the public

  1. APOLOGIES were received from Cllrs S Smythe and D Furlong, and District Councillor M English
  2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillor J King – Village Hall Matters
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from previous meetings were approved and signed – proposed Cllr Segar, seconded Cllr Clive



a) 16/00209 8 Evergreen, Main Road – Awaiting additional information from WDC

b) 16/00180 Land off Main Road Cropthorne Certificate of Lawfulness, mobile home – Appeal – the parish council agreed they had nothing further to add to the previous comments made

Miscellaneous Planning Concerns: –

(i) Stricklands – Living accommodation issues – with enforcement team. Nothing to report

(ii) Severn Acres – second access – A new planning application had been received by the parish council for additional pitches. To be discussed at the next parish council meeting

(iii) Kimberleys Land – WDC enforcements advised there was no breach of planning approval. The clerk was asked to check out any condition with the approval in 2011 and to check the Government guidelines with regard septic tanks

  1. VILLAGE HALL – Minutes had been circulated. The clerk was asked to chase up the larger SmartWater labels required for bigger items of value. A suggestion was made that a working party be set up to assist with the firework event (if it goes ahead) with serving refreshments. The parish council agreed to top up the firework fund with £80
  • Bus Service – Cllr Eyre is still working to try and resolve the bus problem, particularly in Fladbury. One resident did advise that they thought the service in Cropthorne was regular and reliable
  • LTP4 – Cllr Eyre had drafted a response to the LTP4 consultation. A request was made for the parish council to email Mr Brienza (CC Highways) with concerns regarding the verges in Hasleor Lane being left too high for pedestrians to safely use in the event on oncoming traffic
  • Following an online report by the clerk for repairs to a footway in Main Street, CC had advised that they could see no problem. The clerk was asked to forward to Cllr Eyre the photographs which were submitted online
  2. Smart Water – Further kits had been distributed, still more to be delivered.
  3. Lengthsman – It was reported that the footpath between Charlton and Cropthorne required more ‘siding’ out. The clerk was asked to liaise with Charlton PC, to see if this is something the lengthsmen could do between them


  1. Baldwins Bank – Awaiting action by Western Power regarding the dead silver birch – inspection to be carried out 17th March. A quote for £460 had been received for remedial work at Baldwins Bank to clear the overgrowth. All were happy with this and to use the £500 held in reserves to cover the costs.
  2. New Homes Bonus – Current amount available £19, 700 (to be used if accepted by WDC on speed project)
  3. Traveller Consultation – Awaiting outcome of consultation
  4. Speeding – B4084 – The parish council agreed, proposed Cllr Segar, seconded Cllr Clive, that we proceed with the ‘dragons teeth’ road markings. The clerk produced draft costings for the speed project, which were agreed in principal but final details would be confirmed in a meeting between the clerk, chair and vice chair – to ensure nothing had been forgotten. Estimated Total cost (excl. VAT) are £9173

8. LEANING WALL – Concerns had been raised regarding the large leaning on Main Street. The clerk had been in contact with residents of adjacent properties and been assured that the wall had been inspected and there were no areas of concern. It was reported that a further inspection had been carried out recently and the clerk asked to ask for an update.

9. BENCHES – A number of benches in Cropthorne were in need of minor re-furbishment. One on the green and one opposite were in need of cleaning down and re-staining / varnishing. The lengthsman had offered to do this outside of his LM duties for a cost of £75 to include materials. This was agreed. A third, outside Holland House required some repairs which the chairman would arrange.

10. PARISH COUNCILS UNITED MEETING – initial feedback had been positive. CALD had made contact via the clerk suggesting that this is something that the Area Meeting would cover, although it would appear that little is known about this. The clerk had emailed the clerk to the area meeting for more information and hopefully a meeting in the first instance.

11. LTP4 CONSULTATION – Deadline for comments in response to the LTP4 consultation is Friday March 17th. Any comments to be with the clerk before Friday

  2. Approval of payments made/to be made since last meeting, as listed below – All councillors approved

(b) Accounts had been circulated to all councillors

(c) Financial Regulations, policies for adoption – deferred to next meeting

  • Field Barn Lane / Blacksmiths Lane – complaints were received regarding the amount of mud on the roads due to sit traffic. The clerk was asked to write to both sets of developers to clear the roads and footways of mud
  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS – Monday 3rd April – to include the Annual Parish Meeting