Minutes Meeting 6th November 2023


Minutes for Cropthorne Parish Council meeting held on Monday 6th November 2023 @ 7 pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Chairman B Annis, Cllr J King, Cllr W Clive, Cllr K Styan, Cllr Hall, Cllr Smythe

District Cllr A Crump, CC Cllr L. Eyre Clerk : Richard Timney

  1. Apologies None
  2. Declarations of Interest. Cllr Hall, Cllr King – village hall.
  3. Approval of minutes from meeting Monday 4th September 2023 – acceptance agreed. Proposed Cllr Styran, Seconded Cllr Clive.
  4. Planning

a) W/23/02066/TDC5 Location: Land At (Os 9944 4479), Brook Lane, Cropthorne Description of Proposal: Technical Details Submission Application For A Single Self Build Dwelling Ref:20/02694/PIP [Appeal Ref: APP/H1840/W/21/3276845]. Approved


Middle Lane Flooding. Residents raised contributed to the debate. Gulleys cleared but pipes between gulleys have not been jetted effectively. There were thoughts that another gulley between house number 1 and 4 is required too.

Cars going through flood water are an additional hazard and problem for householder with the wake washing into properties.

The footpath along Middle Lane is being affected by floods too – becoming uneven and loose. Questions were asked about signage to warn drivers of floods within the village.

Brook Lane flooding from nearby fields – thought to be associated with ditches and culverts being in need of improvements.

The PC to seek a meeting with Mr Barnes, from the County Council, to discuss the issues and to liaise with Cllr Eyre and Cllr Crump.

  1. BALDWINS BANK. Tree survey from Creative Gardening Solutions has been received. A mixture of dead tree removal, trimming of canopies and ivy management is required. Councillors considered a quotation for the works and will seek funding routes for the works and for adding in bird boxes and bat boxes.
  1. WATER TESTING FOR LOCAL RIVER. Cllr Styan has started testing with results to build in the coming months.


8. WYCHAVON DC – COMMUNITY MEETING 23rd November. Cllr Annis and Cllr Styan to attend.


Cllr Crump reported that the Wychavon Rural Fund is open again to part fund projects.

Cllr Eyre submitted her apologies and a note covering Adult Care and the potential for a new footbridge over the Avon in Evesham.


  1. Lengthsman – The Lengthsman has undertaken appropriate training to allow him to spray for weeds effectively. Footpaths in the Parish have been weed sprayed.

The new bench has been delivered and will be installed in the next few weeks.

The Green in the village centre has been cut.

  1. Speeding / Traffic : Combined with use of CIL money

Cllr Styan met with local police and highways officers to seek the collection of speed data through the village. The results will inform the proposals for Speed Watch and other speed control measures, including red road markings and warning signs.

New quotes have been received for solar powered vehicle activated speeding signs. Consideration will be given to their purchase and positioning in the coming weeks.


  1. Payments for approval/made since October 4th Meeting
Clerk’s salary Standing Order 28th each month £325.36
Lengthsman Standing Order 20th each month £176.40
Streetmaster – bench BACS 20th sept App ss, ks £824.40
Girling Angling Water Testing kit BACS 22nd sept App pc 4 sept £130
Girling Angling Water testing Aux BACS 22nd Sept App pc 4 sept £34
Lynne Yapp – Audit BACS 29th sept App pc 4 sept £100
Info Comm Office DD App jk, ch £35
Creative Gardening – Baldwins Bank survey BACS 20th Oct App ss, ks £216
HMRC BACS 20 Oct App ss, jk £52.98
Lengthsman Training contribution To be made £85
RT expenses for Wreath and donation To be made £48


To note income.

Wychavon DC 28th Sept Precept and grant £4754
WCC 29th Sept LM payments £168
WCC 6th Oct LM payments £176.40
WCC 10th Oct LM payments £352.80

Approved Prop Cll Hall, Sec Cllr Clive.

12. VILLAGE HALL – Report from Cllr King and Cllr Hall.

Maintenance work being carried out by the hall on toilet drainage. New shrubs planted at site boundary and new swing being delivered shortly.


  • Budget setting for 2024/25
  • Baldwins Bank actions in light of new tree survey
  • Speed sign purchase and funding possibilities.

14. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 4th December Budget meeting

Monday 8th January PC meeting

Signed ………………………………………….

Cllr B Annis