Minutes October 2017


Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday October 2nd 2017 in the Village Hall at 7pm

  1. PRESENT :

Cllr B Annis Cllr W Clive

Cllr R Segar Cllr R Kelly

Clerk L Yapp 10 members of the public

County Cllr L Eyre

  1. APOLOGIES – Cllr Smythe, King, Furlong and District Cllr M English
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from previous meetings were approved and signed – proposed Cllr Clive, seconded Cllr Kelly – all in favour


  • A brick wall had been built on the highway directly opposite the entrance to the new development in Blacksmiths Lane. Although WDC enforcements didn’t think it was an issue, concerns were raised that it had narrowed the road. The clerk was asked to seek the opinion of CC. I have asked that this be looked at, during the site visit on 12th October with County Cllr Eyre and CC highways representative
  • A request made to chase the hand rail request on footpath at Baldwins Bank for safety reasons
  • Footpath 506B –

a) 16/00209 8 Evergreen, Main Road – This had been approved despite the parish council requesting site of a ‘proper’ site plan before we made any comments. This request was not forthcoming and the decision made by WDC to approve the application. It was agreed that the clerk write to the officer with our concerns

b) APPEAL – Residential Development of 4 x 4-bedroom dwellings with detached garages @ Greenacres, Brook Lane – Granted on appeal

c) 17/01452 – Elm Cottage, Kennel Bank – removal of stud partition wall – Approved by WDC

Miscellaneous Planning Concerns: –

(i) Stricklands – Living accommodation issues – with enforcement team to organise a site visit

(ii) Severn Acres – second access – With enforcement officer

(iii) Kimberleys Land – WDC Enforcements had written to the new owners

Nothing further to report on the above Enforcement Issues

  1. VILLAGE HALL – Cllr King had circulated the minutes to all councillors prior to the meeting
  1. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT – County Cllr Eyre reported:
  • New timetables had been issued for the new services. To take in Fladbury
  • She advised she would investigate the solar panel speed sign posts and costs involved.
  • Field Barn Lane – passing places and ditches – to be considered at a site visit on 12th October


  • Footway outside Pool House – a request made from a resident for this to be looked at. Parking of vehicles during building works had caused significant damage. Cllr Eyre asked for a photo of offending vehicles to be forwarded to her
  2. Lengthsman asked to ensure all drains and gutters are clear of leaves
  3. New Home Bonus – Approx. £21,000 available to be spend on a LARGE community project.
  4. Speeding – B4084 – Dragons teeth had been painted on the B4084. VAS sign post costs to be looked into
  5. Parish Councils Chairmans Meeting – A meeting to be organised asap
  7. Approval of payments made/to be made since last meeting, as listed below – All councillors approved
  1. Lengthsman requested a £40 payment for the purchase of weed killer for the year. This was approved. Proposed Cllr Clive, seconded Cllr Segar

10. FOOTPATH 506B – concerns had been raised regarding the newly erected fence along this footpath restricting access to land to the rear of the new development and rear access to properties. It was agreed that we write to Fiona Argyle (footpath officer) and arrange a site visit. Cllrs Annis and Clive were happy to attend.

  2. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS – Monday 6th November 2017 at 7pm