Minutes January 2019


Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday January 7th 2019 in the Village Hall at 7pm


Cllr B Annis Cllr R Segar Cllr R Kelly

Vice Chairman S Smythe Cllr W Clive Cllr J King

Cllr M Anderson Clerk L Yapp PC Paul Brown

4 members of the public

  1. APOLOGIES were received from County Cllr E Eyre
  2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr J King – Village Hall matters
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from previous meetings were approved and signed – proposed Cllr Clive, seconded Cllr Segar – all in favour
  2. PC Brown reported:
  • Poaching was a problem with a number of deer carcasses being deposited at Fladbury Mill
  • A horse had been struck by a vehicle on the B4084
  • Theft of number plates was on the increase
  • A moped had been stolen in Charlton
  • Any residents with concerns should phone 999 in emergency / 101 for non-urgent crime or Crime Stoppers on 0800555111
  1. PARISHIONERS QUESTION TIME: 4 residents were in attendance but had no issues to raise
  2. PLANNING: Nothing to report
  3. VILLAGE HALL – Cllr King reported that:
  • Following the vandalism at the hall last summer, funds have been received from 2 of the 3 youths involved but this is expected soon
  1. HIGHWAY MATTERS – It was reported that there had been an ongoing water leak in Field Barn Lane for some considerable time and was getting worse. It is thought to be from a natural spring and this would be passed to County Council for further investigation. Cllr Clive would arrange for some photos to be taken.
  2. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT – nothing to report
  3. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR – in the absence of our appointed District Cllr it was agreed we ask Cllr Tony Rowley if he would be able to attend out next meeting in February
  5. Lengthsman – nothing to report other than the routine maintenance works.
  6. New Home Bonus/s106/Community Infrastructure Levy Fund:
  • S106 – Following the allocation of funds to Cropthorne under s106 agreements, which need to be spent specifically at The Sheppey, discussion had taken place as how best to use the funds, with input from both Cllrs and the Village Hall Committee. It had been decided that the following would be beneficial to the village hall, playing field and residents and it was agreed that further quotes be obtained before presenting a full report to WDC for their consideration:
  • Zip Wire – approx. £13,000
  • Car Park matting – quote to be obtained


  • Enhancement of the walkway/path round The Sheppey – to encourage family walks and to enable easier access for those with mobility scooters, pushchairs etc – quotes varied between just under £5,000 for a ‘top-up’ and £11,500 for a new path. It was considered that we go for the new path
  • Improved secure garage door – Since the meeting this option has been ruled out by WDC

All Cllrs and parishioners present were in favour of moving forward with these suggestions and in the first instance the clerk would speak to WDC as to whether the above would be acceptable schemes under the criteria laid out. Since the meeting, WDC have advised that they are happy with the principal of the suggestions put forward with exception of the garage door, but would these need to be fully assessed with full reasoning, justification and costs put forward.

  1. Bus Service – Nothing further to report at this stage but the clerk had made enquiries with a local company who do a run to Tesco – further details are awaited
  2. Holland House – parking – the clerk would chase Holland House for a mutually agreed time and date now the Xmas and NY holidays are over
  3. Bollards Lower Croft – the clerk will chase Rooftop Group
  4. War Memorial – an pre-grant application is being put forward with regard grant funding for the restoration of the Memorial
  6. Payments made since the last meeting/for authorisation

Current account balance:

(incl. unpresented cheques) £9,657.15

Deposit account: £5,017.89

  1. Budget/Precept – the clerk presented an up to date income and expenditure and forecast to the end of the financial year. Due to ever increasing costs for the running of the parish council, and the fact that in the past we have been restricted on how much we have been able to increase the precept, it was agreed by all that we found ourselves in a situation where we had to make a substantial increase in our budget requirement this year. As well as the basic running expenses i.e. clerks salary and office expenses, insurance, subscriptions and donations, the parish council has a responsibility to maintain trees etc. and it was agreed based on the information provided by the clerk that an increase of 7% in our budget requirement was necessary. The chairman proposed we accept the budget provided, and all were in favour of the recommendations made.
  2. AOB/ ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AT FUTURE MEETINGS: Cllr Clive that there were some trees on Baldwins Bank that were in need of attention, removal of dead wood and that he would attend to it
  3. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS – Monday 4th February 2019