Minutes November 2018


Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday November 5th 2018 in the Village Hall at 7pm


Cllr B Annis Cllr R Segar Cllr R Kelly

Vice Chairman S Smythe Cllr W Clive Cllr J King

Cllr M Anderson Clerk L Yapp County Cllr E Eyre

6 members of the public

  1. APOLOGIES – None were received
  2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr J King – Village Hall matters
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from previous meetings were approved and signed – proposed Cllr Segar, seconded Cllr Clive – all in favour
  2. PARISHIONERS QUESTION TIME: The following issues were recorded:
  3. Speeding Traffic Church Leys/Neigh Lane – further concerns raised and a suggestion made that a sign warning drivers that pedestrians are on the road would help. The clerk would contact CC to see if this is something they could arrange for us. A further suggestion that a community speed watch scheme could be introduced – the clerk advised that Fladbury Parish Council are hoping to introduce this in the New Year and would obtain contact details.
  4. A complaint was made with regard the rubbish that was left in and around the car park and playing field following a recent party – Cllr King advised that the inside of the hall was also left in a poor state and that action had been taken to ensure this would not happen again
  5. Quad bike – further complaints regarding the quad bike causing a disturbance around the village. Cllr King would pass the concerns raised onto the police
  6. 30mph roundels – a request for these to painted in Brook Lane, Neigh Lane and Church Leys – the clerk would liaise with WDC to see if the Community Infrastructure Levy Grand could be sued to purchase these

c) 18/01582 – Oakleigh, Blacksmiths Lane – Replace existing polycarbonate roof with thermally efficient solid roof – approved by WDC

  1. VILLAGE HALL – Cllr King reported that:
  • the vandalism at the hall during the summer was still an unresolved matter for one of the youths involved
  • The heating had been repaired
  • Annual firework display which took place on 4th November had been well attended
  • A complaint was made with regard the number of youths/cars on the car park until the early hours of the morning was causing a disturbance with loud music, to neighbours. Again, this would be passed to the local police for action
  1. HIGHWAY MATTERS – It was suggested that the clerk send an email to residents asking them to assist with the reporting of highway/drainage issues
  4. Lengthsman – the LM was asked to ensure drains are cleared of leaves in Brook Lane and that there are no excessive build up of leaves on the footway which could cause a problem for pedestrians. A report


had been made to CC to clear the footpath leading to Clive’s Farm Shop – this seems to have been done but there is a fallen tree blocking part of the path. The clerk would ask the LM to check this out

  1. New Home Bonus/s106/Community Infrastructure Levy Fund – Suggestions had been received from the VH committee for improvements to be made to the ‘walkway’ round the Sheppey, and for ‘matting’ to create a parking surface, as well as an option for a zip-wire’. Cllr would obtain quotes for these before referring back to WDC to see if these would be considered suitable options for the s106 monies.
  2. Speeding in Brook Lane/Neigh Lane – already covered
  3. Bus Service – A suggestion was made to see if there was a possibility of one of the local major supermarkets laying on a bus, on a specific morning/afternoon of the week, to do a supermarket/shopping trip for residents. This could also take in Fladbury and Charlton. In the first instance the clerk would speak to the other parish councils to gauge interest before contacting the supermarkets. Further consultation with residents would follow, with some sort of commitment from them to support the scheme
  4. Holland House – parking – this is still an ongoing despite thoughts that the situation had improved. The clerk, chairman and Cllr Smythe would make an appointment to speak to the manager.
  5. Bollards Lower Croft – the clerk will chase Rooftop Group
  6. Land, Brook Lane – the clerk had written to the landowner regarding the overgrowth
  8. Payments made since the last meeting/for authorisation

(b) Current account balance:

(incl. unpresented cheques) £9,940.37

Deposit account: £5,017.47

  1. WAR MEMORIAL – The clerk had made contact with a stone mason company from Worcester and awaiting a report for both cosmetic and structural works that may be required.
  3. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS – Monday 7th January 2019