Minutes February 2019


Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday February 4th 2019 in the Village Hall at 7pm


Acting Chairman S Smythe Cllr R Segar Cllr R Kelly

Cllr W Clive Cllr J King

Cllr M Anderson Clerk L Yapp

County Cllr E Eyre members of the public

  1. APOLOGIES were received from Cllr B Annis
  2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr J King – Village Hall matters
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from previous meetings were approved and signed – proposed Cllr Segar, seconded Cllr Clive – all in favour
  2. PARISHIONERS QUESTION TIME: 1 resident was in attendance and voiced concern with regard the lack of action from the police with regard the ongoing problem with poaching. The question regarding the bollards at Lower Croft and the clerk would chase Rooftop Housing about this
  • Field Barn Lane Construction – the clerk had reported to WDC / Enforcements a shed/garage which appears not to have been through the planning process. This had been acknowledged and awaiting a decision from WDC
  1. VILLAGE HALL – Cllr King reported that:
  • Following the vandalism at the hall last summer, the final third payment had been received.
  • New lighting is being investigated for the car park
  • Water leak Field Barn Lane – this has been reported to CC, and a response received that they have passed it over to Severn Trent
  1. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT – This has been circulated to Cllrs.
  • Minerals Consultation – Cllr Eyre emphasised the fact that the emerging Minerals Consultation was of importance to Cropthorne. Cllrs Smythe and Clive offered to look into this.
  • SWDP – Cllr Eyre pointed out that several sites had been put forward as possible options for Traveller Sites
  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR – Nothing to report
  3. Lengthsman – the LM advised that he felt the VAS batteries needed replacing. Cllr Smythe offered to look into cheaper compatible options rather than those from the VAS suppliers (costlier)
  4. New Home Bonus/s106 – the clerk and Cllr King have a meeting scheduled with WDC to discuss s106 and NHB options. A notice had been placed in Five Alive with little response as to options on how to spend NHB
  5. Community Infrastructure Levy Fund- Cllr Eyre would investigate if we could use the monies for 30mph roundels in the road


  1. Bus Service – The clerk had been in contact with a local bus company who offer a free Tesco bus but had received conflicting information. To be re-investigated. Cllr Eyre advised that the bus scrutiny report is due to be published in November
  2. Speeding – Cllr Eyre advised that ‘pedestrian in road’ signs had been ordered
  3. Bollards Lower Croft – the clerk will chase Rooftop Group
  4. War Memorial – a pre-grant application is being put forward with regard grant funding for the restoration of the Memorial
  6. Payments made since the last meeting/for authorisation

Current account balance:

(incl. unpresented cheques) £8,970.40

Deposit account: £5,018.10

  1. AOB/ ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AT FUTURE MEETINGS: Nothing further to report
  2. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 4th March 2019