Procedure for co-option of a new Councillor

1. In the event of a resignation or another reason for creation of a vacancy the clerk will immediately contact the District Council electoral registration office on the effective date of the vacancy and request the initiation of the advertising of the notice of vacancy.

2. If this advertisement does not initiate the 10 signatures of electors in the period of time required by legislation (at present 14 working days) then proceed to the co-option process step 3, otherwise the election process will be followed.

3. Publicity posters advertising the vacancy will be advertised within 21 days of being advised by the Returning Officer that there has been no call for a by-election.

4. The co-option notice will include the final date for acceptance of requests for consideration (35 days after the date of notice) and the number of vacancies

5. The notice will be placed on the parish council’s website and notice boards.

6. Members may point out the vacancies and the process to any qualifying candidate(s).

7. Candidates found to be offering inducements of any kind will be disqualified.

8. All candidates will be expected to put their request for consideration in writing with the following additional information: -reason for wishing to be councillor, previous community/council work, and other skills they can bring to the council. It will be a condition of membership that a means of contact by telephone and/or e-mail will be public information. Application forms will be available from the Clerk and via the website.

9. Discussion with a view to co-option will take place in council session without intervention from the candidates or public

10. The council is not obliged to co-opt any candidate but will provide reasons for such a decision.

11. A vote will be taken either by a show of hands or by signed ballot, whichever is requested by a majority of members; all candidates will be considered.

12. The applicant with the least number of votes cast will be ruled out and the vote taken again and again etc. until the number of candidates equals the number of vacancies.

13. Candidates will be furnished, either as paper copy or e-mail, with a full agenda of the meeting at which they are to be considered for selection with the Members’ Code of Conduct and Standing Orders of the council. The successful candidates will immediately sign their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and can then act as councillors. They are to be reminded that their Register of Interest must be filled in within 28 days and passed on to the District Council’s monitoring officer. Councillor training will be available if requested.

Adopted June 5th 2017