Health and Safety Policy


1.CropthorneParish Council recognises and accepts its responsibilities as an employer for providing a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees, contractors, voluntary helpers and others who may be affected by the activities of the Council.

2.The Council will meet its responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Etc Act 1974, and will provide, as far as is reasonably practicable, the resources necessary to fulfil this commitment.

3.The Council will seek, as and when appropriate, expert advice on health and safety to assist with fulfilling the Council’s responsibilities for ensuring safe and secure working conditions.

4.The Clerk will be the Council’s Health and Safety officer, reporting to the Council.

Aims of The Health & Safety at WorkPolicy:
To provide as far as is reasonably practicable:

1.A safe working environment.

2.Arrangements for considering, reporting and reviewing matters of health & safety, including risk assessments of working activities.

3.Systems of work that are safe and without risks to health.

4.Obtaining specialist technical advice and assistance on matters of health & safety when necessary.

5.Sufficient information, instruction and training for employees, contractors and voluntary helpers to carry out their work safely.

6.Care and attention to the health, safety and welfare of employees, contractors, voluntary helpers and members of the public who may be affected by the council’s activities

Arrangements and Responsibilities for Carrying Out The Health & Safety Policy At Work:

It is recognised that the Clerk’s place of work is ‘Alveston House, 11 Broad Street, Pershore Wr10 1BB and it is expected that reasonable arrangements are made for the safe working within the office environment. The Clerk will be expected to comply with safe practices and to report arrangements as required. In addition…

as the Council’s Health and Safety Officer, the Clerk will:

1.Keep up to date on relevant Health and Safety policy legislation.

2.Advise the Council as to the resources and arrangements necessary to fulfil the Council’s Health and Safety responsibilities.

3.Make arrangementsto implement the Health and Safety at Work Policy including training and supervision.

4.Ensure that matters of health & safety are brought to the attention of the Council as appropriate.

5.Ensure that regular risk assessments are carried out of working practices and work environments.

6.Maintain a record of Health and Safety risk assessments.

7.Ensure those contractors or voluntary helpers working for the Council comply with all reasonable health & safety at work requirements.

8.Point out to employees, contractors etc that they have a responsibility for their own safety and that of others.

9.Ensure that employees (and others) acknowledge and are enabled to act in line with their responsibilities to protect their health and safety and that of others.

10.Ensure that any work activities undertaken by the Council do not jeopardise the health & safety of members of the public.

11.Maintain a central record of notified accidents, injuries and damage.

12.When an accident or hazardous incident occurs, take immediate action to prevent a recurrence and complete the necessary accident reporting procedure. Where appropriate the matter should be brought the attention of the Council or reported to the Health & Safety Executive via RIDDOR

13.Act as the contact and liaison point for the Health & Safety Inspectorate.

14.Will tell anybody working for the Council where they need to use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and where necessary provide PPE and enforce its use.

All employees, contractors and voluntary helpers will:

1.Cooperate fully with the aims and requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Policy and comply with Codes of Practice or work instructions on health and safety.

2.Take reasonable care for their own health and safety, to use appropriate personal protective clothing and, where appropriate, ensure that First Aid materials are available.

3.Take reasonable care for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by their activities.

4.Not intentionally interfere with or remove safety guards, safety devices or other equipment provided for health and safety.

5.Not misuse any plant, equipment, tools or materials so as to cause risks to health and safety.

6.Report any accidents or hazardous incidents to the Council’s health and safety officer. As appropriate, bring any incidents or concerns to the attention of the Council

Contractors and Volunteers

1.All contractors or voluntary helpers working for the Council should comply with all reasonable health and safety at Work requirements. All contractors will be given a copy of the Council’s Health and Safety at Work Policy.

2.Where necessary, contractors will be requested to supply a written method statement prior to starting major works.

3.Where contractors and sub-contractors are engaged by the Council, they must maintain effective control of themselves and those working under them so as to ensure that they comply with the responsibilities and duties set out in the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and any subsequent legislation.

4.The Parish Council shall ensure that those not in the employment of the Council, including the general public, are not exposed to risk to their safety or health when on the Council’s premises.

5.Contractors should ensure that any electrical appliances brought onto Council premises shall be safe, in good working order and used in a safe manner.

6.Where necessary, contractors will be requested to supply copies of insurance certificates in respect of Employer’s Liability and Third Party risks.

7.Appropriate local rules and guidelines for their operation are to be established whilst on sites or working in areas to which the public have access.

8.Contractors to be monitored as appropriate in respect of their activities to ensure that they are not creating any risks or hazards to themselves or to Council employees, visitors or property.

Lone Working

The Council recognises the risks posed to its employees who are required to work alone and will take all necessary precautions to minimise those risks.

1.Staff working alone have the responsibility to take reasonable care of themselves and other people affected by their work.

2.Staff working alone should ensure the doors are secure and entry to buildings by visitors, etc. is within their control. Credentials should be checked as to the bona fides of any visitor.

3.Staff should be trained in emergency procedures.

4.Hazardous equipment should not be used if alone.

5.The Council will provide staff with a ready and immediate contact in the event of an emergency.

6.Risk assessment should be prepared for any unusual or potentially dangerous site visit

Electrical and Mechanical Equipment

1.All electrical and mechanical equipment should be inspected in accordance with the latest regulations.

2.Mains should not be overloaded.

3.Only equipment provided by the Council should be used and switched off when not in use.

4.Manually and electrically operated equipment must not be used by unauthorised or untrained personnel.

5.Defective equipment should not be used. Staff should not attempt to repair equipment unless competent to do so.

6.Heavy equipment and furniture should not be moved by individuals.

Fire Precautions

1.All staff must be fully conversant with the “Fire Alert”system.

2.Exits must be kept clear at all times.

3.Flammable materials should be stored in a suitable fire resistant structure clearly marked “Flammable Materials.”

4.Waste paper bins must be of a metal construction and be emptied before leaving the office.

Adopted June 5th 2017