Minutes October 2019


Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday October 7th 2019 in the Village Hall at 7pm

CO-OPTION – An application to fill the seat had been received from parishioner Michael Rowell. In accordance with the Parish Council’s Co-Option Policy, it was proposed that the vote be taken by secret ballot, the results of which were all in favour of Mr Rowell. Mr Rowell took his seat with the council.


Chairman B Annis Vice Chairman S Smythe Cllr W Clive Cllr M Anderson

Cllr R Segar Cllr J King Cllr M Rowell (after co-option)

County Cllr L Eyre Clerk L Yapp 8 members of the public

  1. APOLOGIES District Cllr T Rowley
  • Cllr King:
  • Village Hall
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from previous meeting were approved and signed – proposed Cllr Segar, seconded Cllr King – all in favour
  2. PARISHIONERS QUESTION TIME: Nothing was raised at this point, but parishioners were invited to contribute to any agenda item if they so wished
  • 19/01755 Merrybrook, Field Barn Lane – retrospective application for removal of 3 sheds and erection of steel shed – At the time of the meeting no decision had been made by WDC, but has since been approved
  • 19/01748 Midcott, Middle Lane – proposed new dwelling – refused by WDC
  • Kimberleys Field – the clerk was asked to ask Cllr Rowley if there was any update on his return from holiday
  • Grass Verge, Sheppey Corner – scheduled to be made good by end of October
  • 19/01393 – White Gates House, Sunnyside, Main Road – 3-bedroom ECO house and studio – there were no objections to this application, but concerns were raised with regard the access onto Smokey Lane. It was approved to support the application but to raise the point over the access with WDC
  • 19/02018 – Lanesend Smallholding, Smokey Lane – erection of general purpose agricultural building – discussion too place and the general feeling was that the proposed new building was too large for the site with questions also raised as to the viability of any business taking into account the limit on the number of livestock permitted per acre. County Cllr Eyre advised that any viability issues were not a reason for objecting to any application. Concern was also raised that should the new building be approved there was a possibility that a future application could be made to convert the building into a house. The parish council voted to object to the application and to make the point that should it be approved a condition be placed that the new building cannot be converted into living accommodation.
  1. VILLAGE HALL – Cllr Kings reported that ongoing maintenance is being carried out. It had been decided not to hold a bonfire this year. Meetings were now being held on Tuesday evenings, and the Annual Quiz is to be held on 23rd November.


  • Parking, Sheppey Corner – despite photographs being forwarded to police, nothing had been done to improve the situation. The clerk would write again to the police. It was noted that once the landscaping had been completed by the developers, residents of Sheppey Corner would move forward to adopt the highway privately.
  1. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT – County Cllr Eyre reported:
  • Footway and Road repair requests from Parish for 2020. Issues to take forward
  • How to highlight the entrance to Brook Lane from B4084 – EE.
  • Way to reduce speeding down Brook Lane – question dragon teeth marking EE.
  • Cutting back of hedge on Main Road obscuring turn into Brook Lane – Cllr Annis and Segar advised they would speak to property owners on either side of the junction with regard cutting back the hedge
  • Reducing speeding on Main street at the narrowest point by church wall and assist children crossing – EE
  • Passenger Transport Strategy Review paper – public consultation 2000 responses – closed. Actions
  • Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan consultation ended 30th September. The parish council had responded
  • Broadband – post the new cabinet Field Barn Lane speeds, with modern equipment and contracts for superfast broadband are around uploads 20, downloads 80. PC meeting identified no major issues though those furthest from cabinet had slightly lower speeds.
  • Field Barn Lane short section of footway paid for by Cil and NHB monies – outcome of local consultation awaited. Work if agreed would at earliest be April 2020.
  • New app, What 3 words, downloaded to smart phones highlighted as new way for emergency services to pin point a person’s location. Suggestion this facility is communicated by any local newsletter.

Thanks were paid to Cllr Eyre and WCC for clearing the gullies in the B4084

  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR – Nothing to report
  3. Lengthsman – The LM would be asked to attend to a loose step near the handrail at Baldwins Bank and to side out the footway on the B4084 between Brook Lane and the lay-by at The New Inn
  4. New Home Bonus – Consultation notice to be distributed to all homes in Cropthorne asking for their thoughts on the proposed 2 projects; Field Barn Lane footway or Church toilets / servery. This would also be included in Five Alive, on the website and sent via email to those on the email list
  5. s106 – From the ‘wish list’ from the VH Committee, WDC had asked for more detail before establishing if some or all of the projects would be acceptable under the conditions of the s 106 criteria.
  6. Community Infrastructure Levy Fund – no further action pending the outcome of the NHB consultation as this fund could be used with any infrastructure scheme
  7. Speeding :
  • Community Speed Watch – Cropthorne are on the waiting list
  • Traffic Calming Options – Please refer to CC Eyre’s report above
  • Working Party – to re-address
  1. Bus Service – Awaiting outcome of consultation. Parishioners to be reminded that Community Transport and Pershore Volunteers are able to help
  2. Bollards Lower Croft – Rooftop had requested yet another site meeting to establish where the bollards are required. A frustrated reply was sent from the clerk to advise that this had been on going since February


  1. War Memorial – A request was made for help to remove the heavy planter to enable more detailed photographs to be taken for the pre-grant application. Cllrs Smythe and Clive plus a parishioner offered to help
  2. Replacement Benches – A donation of £500 would be made to the parish council for the bench, on the condition that a wooden bench be purchased rather than a re-cycled materials version. Concern was raised as to future maintenance and a suggestion made that we ask the Charity if they would take over the maintenance if we went with the wooden option. The clerk would take this back to the Charity for consideration
  3. Minerals Consultation The parish council had responded to the consultation
  5. Payments made since the last meeting/for authorisation

Current account balance:

(incl. unpresented cheques) £17,307.04

Deposit account: £5019.77

  • A parishioner reported that he had an issue with ivy encroaching heavily on his home from the next door Rooftop property. He had been in touch with Rooftop without any satisfactory result. The clerk would write to Rooftop
  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS: Monday 4th November

Monday 13th January