Minutes September 2019


Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday September 2nd 2019 in the Village Hall at 7pm

CO-OPTION – The applicant had informed the Parish Council that he had decided to withdraw his application, however there was interest from another parishioner. This would be considered at the next meeting in October


Chairman B Annis Vice Chairman S Smythe

Cllr W Clive Cllr M Anderson

Cllr R Segar Cllr J King

County Cllr L Eyre District Cllr T Rowley

Clerk L Yapp 9 members of the public

  1. APOLOGIES none
  • Cllr King:
  • Village Hall
  • Planning Application 19/01748 Midcot, Middle Lane
  • Cllr Annis – Planning Application 19/01748 Midcot, Middle Lane
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from previous meeting were approved and signed – proposed Cllr Segar, seconded Cllr Clive – all in favour
  • Parking, Sheppey Corner – despite notices being placed on the offending vehicles, the situation had not improved. The clerk would inform P C Brown and ask for his intervention. Registration numbers would be made known to him in order to identify those responsible
  • Sheppey Corner Landscaping – this had previously been referred to Enforcements with regard the lack of landscaping at the site and approach roads to the development. It was reported that this will be addressed by the developers before the end of October
  • Quad Bike – more complaints received with regard the noise from a quad bike riding around the village – so loud it is setting off car alarms. The clerk would inform PC Brown
  • 19/01755 Merrybrook, Field Barn Lane – retrospective application for removal of 3 sheds and erection of steel shed – this was discussed at length. Main factors: overall size of the new structure; the fact that an access path to garages at the rear of the properties had been significantly reduced so much so that residents found it extremely difficult (impossible for some) to use their own garages; removal of the slabs of the access path – replaced with pea gravel and broken slabs creating a hazardous situation and extension of boundary fence across neighbouring land. Whilst the parish council agreed that all of the issues raised were a cause for concern, they would only be able to comment on planning issues. District Cllr Rowley advised that many of the points were in fact civil matters that would need to be addressed separately. It was proposed that the parish council object to the application on the grounds that the new structure dominates the site and is not ‘in keeping’ with the area
  • 19/01748 Midcott, Middle Lane – Cllrs Annis and King left the meeting – again, lengthy discussion took place, with views that there was a need for more housing, but this was over development of the site and lack of parking facilities A vote was taken with 1 Cllr objecting and 3 Cllrs in favour of supporting the application. It was agreed that reference should be make when making comments to WDC to the concers over parking at the site.


  • Kimberleys Field – the clerk had notified WDC Enforcements with regard the occupation of the land by travellers. It was reported that post is being delivered to the site and domestic rubbish collected. District Cllr Rowley would take this up with Enforcements
  • Grass Verge, Sheppey Corner – already covered above and scheduled to be made good by end of October
  1. VILLAGE HALL – Cllr Kings reported that two new committee members had been found, one to be Secretary. The feasibility of a bonfire is being discussed. Quiz Night will be on 23rd November.
  • Parking, Sheppey Corner – already covered and passed to police
  • Field Barn Lane – proposed footway – Cllr Clive had met with County Cllr Eyre to discuss options for a new section of footway in Field Barn Lane. Costs had been calculated at £26,500 which could come from the NHB funds and CIL Fund – see NHB below
  • Leakage in Field Barn Lane – it was reported that there appeared to be water / foul water leak in Field Barn Lane – this would be investigated in the first instance before reporting to WCC / Severn Trent if necessary
  1. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT – County Cllr Eyre reported that:
  • Transport Consultation ends on 13th September
  • Funds are available for any necessary footway / highway repairs – Cllr Eyre asked to be advised of any areas that were in need of maintenance
  • Full report attached
  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR – District Cllr Rowley reported:
  • SWDP Review of sites is continuing
  • Minerals Local Plan – Consultation runs to the end of September
  • Full report attached
  2. Lengthsman – The LM would be asked to investigate a reported ‘filled in ditch’ in Field Barn Lane and the water leak outside Hill View Ducks before taking further with WCC if necessary. The clerk would also ask him to attend to overgrown brambles in Church Leys and Field Barn Lane.
  3. New Home Bonus – Two options had been out forward, the proposed footway in Field Barn Lane, and the toilet / servery facilities at the Church. Lengthy discussion took place and the parish council agreed that we would consult with parishioners as to where they would prefer to see the money spent. In the first instance the clerk would put together a notice to be distributed to all parishioners
  4. s106 – Cllr King provided a ‘wish list’ of items that are needed by the village hall for consideration using the s106 monies. It was agreed that any consultation for this could be carried out at the same time as the NHB consultation. In the first instance the clerk would seek confirmation from WDC that these items are acceptable under the conditions of s106
  5. Community Infrastructure Levy Fund – County Cllr is still looking into any engineering works that could be carried out to reduce the speeding issues.
  6. Bus Service – Cllr Eyre reminded the council of the Passenger Transport Consultation which closed on 13th September. The clerk advised that she had received two surveys from parishioners which would be sent and would be completing our own.


  1. Speeding – County Cllr Eyre is still gathering photographic evidence of engineering options that could be suitable for Cropthorne. The clerk advised that the Community Speed Watch had emailed back saying that there was a waiting list to work through but they would be in touch in due course.
  2. Bollards Lower Croft – This has been chased up with Rooftop
  3. War Memorial – Nothing further to report
  4. Replacement Benches – The Randolph Meakins Pattys Farm and Widow Lyes Charity had advised that they were not supportive of a ‘recycled’ material bench but would be happy to make a donation of £500 to a timber option. This would be looked into. Cllr Annis advised that he would arrange for the damaged bench at Holland House to be repairs.
  6. Payments made since the last meeting/for authorisation

Current account balance:

(incl. unpresented cheques) £9,177.55

Deposit account: £5,019.35

  • Cllr Clive raised the point that the footway from Field Barn Lane to Evesham was being lost because of overgrowth, a concern as it is a well-used path. He had calculated that based on the figures for the suggested new footway in Field Barn Lane, any future repairs equate to £279 per meter. Cllr Eyre suggested that this is something that the LM could address, but it was agreed that it would be too big a job for one man alone. She advised she would look into this
  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS: Monday 7th October at 7pm