Minutes January 2018


Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday January 8th 2018 in the Village Hall at 7pm

  1. PRESENT :

Chair B Annis Cllr W Clive

Vice Chair S Smythe Cllr R Segar

Cllr R Kelly

4 members of the public Clerk L Yapp

  1. APOLOGIES – Cllr J King and District Cllr M English
  2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Chair B Annis – Item 5. Planning (e)
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from previous meetings were approved and signed – proposed Cllr Clive, seconded Cllr Kelly – all in favour


  • The clerk was asked to chase the handrail at Baldwins Bank, with concerns raised that there may be liability on the CC, in the event of any accident or injury Action Clerk
  • The parish council were made aware of some dead trees on Baldwins Bank. It was agreed that Cllr Clive and the lengthsman would take a look and assess the situation Action Cllr Clive

a) 17/01901 – Land between Pentalow and Berrycroft, Blacksmsiths Lane Amendments – Awaiting decision by WDC

b) 17/01922 – Holland House Conference Centre – Internal and external alterations to fire escape provisions – Approved by WDC

c) 17/02160 – Old Smokey Farm, Smokey Lane – refurbishment of building fabric, re-fenestration of window openings, new glazed gable and addition of 2 single storey extensions – Approved by WDC

d) 17/01908 – Severn Acres, Main Road – Erection of utility black and siting of two static caravans – Scheduled for decision at committee on 11th January

Cllr Annis left the room for the following discussion:

e) 17/02536 – Midcott, Middle Lane – Proposed single storey extension to provide kitchen. Demolition of single storey lean to and replacement with smaller single storey side extension – the parish council had no objections to this application, but felt that the advice given by the Heritage Officer, regarding retaining the flat roof on the new extension were unnecessarily restrictive and petty minded and would do nothing to enhance what could be a beautiful property. It was agreed that these comments be made to WDC.

Cllr Annis re-joined the meeting

Evergreen, Main Road – the parish council were made aware of a section of hedgerow that had been removed from the front of the site. This would be reported to WDC enforcements.

Miscellaneous Planning Concerns: –

  1. Stricklands – Living accommodation issues – A WDC enforcement officer had made a visit to the site and was unable to find evidence of the mobile homes. This would be investigated further by the parish council.


(ii) Severn Acres – second access – With enforcement officer

(iii) Kimberleys Land – A planning application had been received (17/02576) for an altered access and track, entrance gates and pillars. The parish council took the opportunity to discuss this. Concerns were raised regarding the access off the main road in Field Barn Lane, and the weight limit attached to the road. Also questioning the reasoning as to why there would be a septic tank installed if the land is to be used purely for storage. Also raised was the visual impact of the site from Bredon Hill with the storage of fairground equipment. It was agreed that the parish council object to this application, with footnote that should this application be approved there is a restriction that there will be no development or permission granted for mobile home.

  1. VILLAGE HALL – Nothing to report
  • Smokey Lane – poor road surface and pothole and has been reported to CC via the hub
  • Footway, Main Street – ongoing concerns were raised of the poor condition of the footway and the fact the CC had advised that works could not be carried out due to the leaning wall adjacent. Emails from the adjacent property owner had been received advising of works that had been carried out on the wall. The clerk would ask that CC re – address this issue. Action Clerk
  • Land adjacent to Jubilee Bridge – a small area of land owned by the parish council requires inspection. Cllr Clive advised he would take a look with the lengthsman and report back. Action Cllr Clive
  • Road Closure / Flood signs had been left on the corner of Middle Lane – the clerk would request these be removed asap. Action Clerk
  3. Lengthsman – The chairman raised the point that Health & Safety issues could be an area that the parish council should be investigating with regard ‘a duty of care’ to the LM. The clerk would make enquiries with CC and CALC Action Clerk
  4. New Home Bonus – Approx. £21,000 available to be spend on a LARGE community project.
  5. Traveller Site Consultation – still awaited
  6. Speeding – B4084 – Most white gates had been fitted. Payment had been made to CC for the VAS posts and any road traffic management required
  7. Parish Councils Chairmans Meeting – Scheduled for end of January 2018
  9. Approval of payments made/to be made since last meeting, as listed below


b) Budget – full budget proposal had been produced by the clerk and presented to all councillors. Full and lengthy discussion took place on the following items:

  • In order to meet ever increasing costs, to meet our current level of expenditure it showed that an increase of 8% would be necessary, HOWEVER, it was agreed that to be kept within an affordable increase to parishioners, changes in expenditure would be necessary.
  • Clerks Salary – it was requested that the clerks hours be increased from 25 to 28 hours per month, to enable the requirements for the Transparency Code, changes to the Audit procedure and to cope with the ever increasing enforcement and planning issues received by Cropthorne. This was agreed by all present
  • Village Hall – it was apparent that currently the parish council are paying to the village hall just under 28% of our annual precept. After viewing the village hall accounts, it was agreed that they were in a better financial situation than when the agreement was first made, and in order for us to keep our precept as low as possible, we should stop paying the £750 per annum for lawn mower maintenance and repairs, but that we would still carry on paying the £900 towards the maintenance and upkeep of the playground. This was agreed by all present.
  • Precept – it was agreed that by reducing the previously budgeted expenditure by £750 (village hall lawn mower) we would only have to increase the precept by 2.8% rather than the previously considered 8%. This is to be confirmed by WDC following recommendations by the Executive Board who are meeting on 11th January. It was agreed that, subject to confirmation by WDC, a budget request of £6447 would be made, meaning a £2.8% increase.
  • Youth Bus – it was agreed that £250 be taken from reserves to make a contribution to the Youth Bus, with a view to asking the walkabout Committee to make some contribution. Action Clerk

All above, proposed Cllr Clive, seconded Cllrs Smythe and Segar

  2. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS – Monday 5th January 2018.