Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday 13th January 2020 in the Village Hall at 7pm
Chairman B Annis Vice Chairman S Smythe Cllr W Clive Cllr M Anderson
Cllr M Rowell Cllr J King District Cllr T Rowley
County Cllr L Eyre Clerk L Yapp 14 members of the public
- APOLOGIES None received
- Cllr King – Village Hall & Planning 19/02484
- Cllr Annis – Planning 19/02484
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Minutes from previous meeting were approved and signed – proposed Cllr Clive, seconded Cllr Anderson – all in favour
- PARISHIONERS QUESTION TIME – Brook Lane pot-holes have been reported and marked up.
- Grass Verge, Sheppey Corner – Cllr Rowell reported that the rubbish had gone. There is now a Residents Association who have responsibility of the highway and they will raise any outstanding issues with the developers. Parishioners present raised concerns that since the new development the footpath to Middle Lane had been reduced limiting access to agricultural. County Cllr Eyre advised that this had been discussed with landowners some years ago, who had indicated that the width of the path was satisfactory. Cllr Annis advised he would speak to landowners
- Field Barn Lane Caravan Park (19/00991), erection of dwelling – Appeal lodged
- 19/02484 – Midcott, Middle Lane – proposed new dwelling – Cllrs Annis and King left the room. Discussion took place. Concerns were raised over car parking and access from the site, being a ‘pinch point’ in the road, with no footway and popular with children walking to school. It was pointed out that there was no street scene images to give an idea of how the proposed property would fit between the two listed buildings. Reference was also made to the Conservation Officers report. A vote was taken on approval or objection to the application, with one Cllr voting in favour, two against and one Cllr who decided not to vote either way. Therefore, the clerk would submit an objection with the points raised as reasons for the objection. Cllrs Annis and King re-joined the meeting
- 19/02710 – Kimberleys Field – Change of use to mixed use for storage and maintenance of fairground equipment and stalls and the stationing of caravans for residential purposes – This application is the first stage in the enforcement process, by the planning authority. The clerk reported that she had been advised that the occupants of the site had been hosing down portaloos – concerns were raised over contaminated water finding its way into nearby water course and the odour this is causing. It was also reported that there has been the burning of toxic materials – the clerk would report both of these issues to Worcester Regulatory Services. It was felt that in planning terms there was little reason to object to other than the fact that Cropthorne already had more than it’s fair share of traveller sites and that the site was unsuitable. All Cllrs were in agreement to object to the application.
- VILLAGE HALL – Cllr Kings reported that the Annual Quiz was a success. There was no December meeting and that the Treasurer was stepping down after the AGM in May. One parishioner in attendance suggested that she would be interested and would speak to Cllr King after the meeting.
- Parking, Sheppey Corner – it was reported that the problems with parked cars was now much improved with only one car now causing problems but this is something the Residents Association would be looking into.
- Flooding – it is hoped to arrange a meeting with WCC regarding what can be done to resolve the issues with flooding at the bottom of Brook Lane, but it was considered that there was little that could in fact be done
- COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT – Copy of report attached
- DISTRICT COUNCILLOR – Copy of report attached
- Lengthsman – The lengthman was asked to cut back overgrowing brambles in Blacksmiths Lane and Middle Lane
- New Home Bonus – The application for funds will be agreed on Monday 20th January by WDC. The clerk and Peter Harris would attend
- s106 – An application for funds to improve the pathway round The Sheppey and for ‘matting’ to enlarge the parking facilities had been approve, in principal, by WDC. A notice would be circulated via email, on the board and on website to this effect.
- Community Infrastructure Levy Fund – no further action pending the outcome of the NHB consultation as this fund could be used with any infrastructure scheme
- Speeding :
- Community Speed Watch – Cropthorne has been accepted onto the scheme. The clerk asked for volunteers to take part with the training, both at the meeting and via email. To date, two names have been put forward but we would need about ten to make it workable.
- Bollards Lower Croft – The clerk reported that she had received no response from Rooftop Housing but, in agreement with Cllr Eyre, they were experiencing difficulties in-house with staff leaving – this may be the reason. The clerk would chase this up
- War Memorial – Nothing further to report
- Replacement Benches – The new bench had arrived. The clerk would ask the Lengthsman (as a non lengthsman job) to arrange installing and staining of the bench
- Minerals Consultation – Cllr Rowley reported on the concerns raised by Charlton Parish Council and the current investigations being carried out at a site in Charlton. Other possible sites include Fladbury, Cropthorne and Wick. This could have a serious impact on the roads (with Fladbury and Cropthorne being the main routes) and the listed buildings on the main roads – none of which would have proper foundations. Public meetings have been organised in Cropthorne on 22nd January, with flyers being distributed to residents of all the villages
- Payments made since the last meeting/for authorisation
Current account balance:
(incl. unpresented cheques) £10,615.49
Deposit account: £5,020.40
Full accounts had been circulated to all Cllrs
(b) Precept / Budget – the clerk had circulated to Cllrs a resume of the accounts to date and a proposed
Budget for 2020/21. A suggested increase of £600 in the precept received would mean an increase of 6.8% (slightly less than last year). This was put to parishioners in attendance for their thoughts and there
no objections to this. Cllr Annis, seconded by Cllr Clive that we increase the precept by the 6.8%. All in
13. POLICIES – the clerk had circulated updated Standing Orders and Financial Regulations for approval. There
Were no objections to the amendments (which had come from ‘model’ documents from NALC). A revised
Code of Conduct had been issued by WDC for consideration and adoption. Again, there were no objections.
Cllr Clive proposed acceptance of the amended documents, seconded by Cllr Anderson. All in favour
- VE Day – the question was asked if there was anything going on in Cropthorne to commemorate the VE Day celebrations in May. It was reported that the Walkabout Committee were organising something.
- Abandoned Vehicle – it was reported by a parishioner that there was an abandoned vehicle opposite Kennel Bank. The clerk would get the registration and report to police / WDC
- DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 3rd February at 7pm