Minutes June 2020


Minutes from a meeting of Cropthorne Parish Council held on Monday June 1st 2020 in the Village Hall at 7pm Conducted via Zoom


Chairman B Annis Vice Chairman S Smythe Cllr M Rowell Cllr J King

District Cllr T Rowley County Cllr E Eyre Clerk L Yapp

  1. APOLOGIES – Cllr W Clive
  • Cllr King – Village Hall
  • Cllr Rowell – Chairman of Sheppy Corner Residents Association
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from previous meeting were approved and signed – proposed Cllr King, seconded Cllr Smythe – all in favour
  2. PARISHIONERS QUESTION TIME – No one in attendance
  • Kimberleys Field – Cllr Rowley advised that we would be organising a site visit to both sites on the B4084 and Kimberleys so that we can establish exactly what the situation is behind the gates. The clerk offered to go along as well
  1. VILLAGE HALL – Cllr Kings advised that the hall is still closed. They are looking at a scheme using the energy from the solar panels to heat the hot water. Cllr Annis referred to a scheme whereby batteries are used to conserve and store up energy
  • Speeding – Cllr Eyre is looking at setting up a sub-committee throughout her other parishes to look at all the traffic calming options available, where suitable and where not. The clerk and Cllr Annis are happy to be involved in this.
  1. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT – Report available from Clerk
  2. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR – Cllr Rowley reported:
  • Business Grants and Discretionary Grants have been paid out to local businesses
  • The Vale Crematorium has been extremely busy, covering up to 43 funerals a day
  • Recycling centres are now re-opening
  • Track and Trace is now operational but social distancing is still a vital part of keeping the virus at bay. This may have a significant impact on certain types of businesses
  • He has access to some funds which may be beneficial to community volunteer groups
  • Meetings at WDC are almost back to normal, albeit being held remotely
  2. Lengthsman – There is some overgrowth in the path to the rear of Blacksmiths Lane. The clerk would ask the LM to take a look when he is in the area and report back to the clerk
  3. New Home Bonus – Wychavon District Council had confirmed they will consider the NHB funds of £29,000 to be split between 2 main projects. Two suggestions have been put forward, Holland House and Corran Dean. Detailed proposals are awaited before being put to the parish council for approval.
  4. Community Infrastructure Levy Fund – In hand – to be considered for traffic calming optioons
  5. Speeding – already covered


  1. Bollards Lower Croft – Works should have been carried out back in March but the Covid situation has delayed matters. The clerk had received a report of2 of the new installed bollards being knocked down by a resident and his tractor and trailer. This has been reported to Rooftop Housing.
  2. War Memorial – Nothing further to report
  3. Minerals Consultation – Nothing further to report but action group is continuing to work in preparation
  4. Passing Bay, Orchard Row – the clerk has been in contact with WCC who would be writing to the owner of the offending vehicle
  6. Payments made since the last meeting/for authorisation

Current account balance:

(incl. unpresented cheques) £41647.37 (Incl. s106 Monies)

Deposit account: £5,021.45

Full accounts had been circulated to all Cllrs

  1. CORONAVIRUS UPDATE – Covered in Cllr Rowleys report
  • Website – the clerk reported that there would need to e changes made to the parish council website to comply with legislation coming into force in September 2020. She is awaiting guidance from CALC / NALC but did warn the parish council that this could cost several hundred pounds
  • Co-Option – it was agreed to defer the co-option until we are able to meet in person rather than remote meetings
  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 6th July 2020 at 7pm